Saturday, October 23, 2010


No, this isn't about a real dingo, but a cocker spaniel & shih tzu mix named Dingo.

He's kinda funny looking. Really shaggy.

*I* want to be in Aunt E.'s lap
He came over with Aunt E. We didn't play a whole lot, other than we both wanted to be in Aunt E.'s lap. But we got along ok.

What was that you were doing earlier?

It was nice to see another dog, even though we didn't get to run outside. Ooh, here's a great picture of Dingo!

Flying Dingo!!!

I hope to see more of Aunt E. because her lap is most excellent. If Dingo comes too, that would be fine.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Muon,
    I guess sunburn is not a problem for Dingo!
    Wishing all of you dawgs warmth this winter,
