Sunday, February 20, 2011

Stormy weather.

There was thunder and rain. That's scary. I wanted to hide under the bed.

In the old house I slept under the bed a lot.

But there was a problem! There was no space for me.

What's that box doing in my hiding spot?

For a while, my humans let me curl up in the bedroom with them. I'm less scared when they're around.

Closer is better.

But then, when they went to sleep, they said I had to leave! They say I make too much noise at night. I slept right outside the bedroom door all night.

See that door? They're right behind there.
The closer I am to the humans the safer I'll be. Eventually the rain stopped. Luckily, we all survived.


1 comment:

  1. Poor Muon! How cold it must have been for you out in the hall . . . all alone with no warm bodies nearby! Did you jump in the bed as soon as your humans left their room? Did you sleep in the warm bed all day?
