Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Exciting weekend

The hurry cane came and went with nothing interesting. I did get to see my friends though.
On Thursday night there was a party, and both my friends Mila and Stan were there. Mila and I played a lot for a long time. I got kinda tired.

The next day my leg was sore. My human got really worried, but I was just tired from playing. I rested all day.
I am napping because I need to rest my leg.
Then we went over to Stan's house to wait out the hurricane. But as I said, not much happened. It rained.

So, that was the exciting weekend, and now I'm back to work! My leg is all better  and I'm running around and jumping and sitting and just generally being adorable.



  1. Dear Muon,
    I am so relieved that you are fine and the hurry cane did not bother you! Was Stan worried at all?

  2. Stan is always worried, even if there's no hurry cane. He hid under the bed. Which is what he does every day.
