Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hunter extraordinaire

As you might recall, I like squirrels. For chasing.

As you also might recall, I am not allowed to chase squirrels, and instead I have squirrel toys to play with inside.

I am very good at catching the toy squirrels, and I am very thorough about killing them and ripping them limb from limb.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. Rawwrrrrgh. 

I make sure every single piece of squirrel inside is out of its skin. And that none of those squirrel insides have anything inside them either. 

Call me a reverse-taxidermist.

What's that? Fluff you say?

And, since I am such a mighty hunter, I will go rampaging about the house with entrails dripping from my mouth.

Let this be a warning to all squirrels, toy or otherwise who might invade my territory!


1 comment:

  1. Dear Muon,
    Oh how awed and intimidated I am! Seriously, knowing how to hunt and provide for yourself and your humans could be a useful skill one day, you never know. Although, I'm not sure how useful stuffed prey would be. Never mind that; the point is that you have demonstrated that you know exactly what to do if you were in a survival situation, and that really is impressive. Congratulations! I'm proud of you.
    Love, Nannyfan
