Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Big day

Today was a busy day. I went for 3! extra long walks.
Let me show you what happened.
First, of course, I went and got the leash. I was so excited about going for a walk that I just HAD to lick my nose. You know how it is.

While we were walking, I saw that the angry white dog was out walking his human. I kept a watchful eye out that my #1 human would not get hurt. That would be terrible!

After the white dog passed, my Human #1 was a little upset. She asked me to sit and wait. Being the loyal protector that I am, I did so, but I watched that dog very carefully to make sure he didn't come back.

After making sure that the white dog was no longer a threat, I was able to continue the walking in peace. I found some interesting things to sniff on the walk.


And a BUSH!

That was a long day. I cuddled with Human #1 for a while before bedtime.

This was the last of several photos. I'm covering my eyes because I don't like the flash.
Well, that was a big day. A good night to you all and here's to another big one tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Evil cats

Hello hello,

I had a rough night last night. We went over to Auntie E.'s house. There are two cats that live there too. They, being cats, are evil. Now, if they were normal cats, it would be fine. I'd chase them, try to eat them, all good. But noooo, these are special cats. Not for chasing or eating. We're supposed to get along. So, being the good girl that I am, I (mostly) did not chase them. And when I chased them I stopped almost 2 feet away.

The Evil cats, of course, took advantage of my good nature. One of them popped me right in the nose. Being as I am such a sweetheart, I chose to ignore it. Also there was food in the kitchen. The cat ordeal really wore me out, so I had to sleep a lot today.
Human 1 received a camera today. She decided it was necessary to take pictures of me sleeping. I always start curled up.

Then a little yoga, of the knot variety.
And sleep finally comes. I have a little insomnia sometimes. What a long 5 minutes that was.
Urf! She has to get in my face with that fancy new camera, doesn't she. Well, I'll show her. I'll just keep sleeping.

Good Night! From Muon.

Monday, July 26, 2010

A dangerous outing

It was 88 degrees yesterday! Really hot. But Human 1 put the fan on for me. That makes it ok.
She also had a dumb idea. Swimming.
I thought we were going to go for a walk. Walks are great! I get to sniff things and pee on them. And also, we got to go a different direction than usual! After a little while we came to a little path under the trees. I liked that, it was nice an cool. But there was also a lot of water. A LOT of water. You could drown in that easily. I drank some, but Human 1 has a dangerous streak. She got IN the water.
I don't like water. Water is for drinking.
But Human 1 kept trying to go IN the water. No,no,no, I said. that's dangerous. I was worried about her, so I sat on the bank and kept watch. Fortunately, nothing bad happened. What luck! who would have thought that she would escape unscathed. But, as I said, we were lucky that time. As soon as Human 1 got out of the water, I took us right away from it.
I'm glad nothing bad happened.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Hi Everyone!

Hi, it's Muon.

I got adopted a few months ago and I decided to start a blog about
living with my new humans.

What started it off you ask? Well, my human1 got a package today. It was filled with packing peanuts. She was very silly and decided to put me in it.
Now, why would I need to be in a box? My human is silly like that. She should be feeding me and taking me for a walk. Since there wasn't much else to do, and I'm the most adorable dog ever, I just sat there and snuggled up.

PS. my human promises to get a better camera soon.