Sunday, September 26, 2010

Kitten Cameo

I'd like you to meet Gilly.

She is a kitten and about 12 weeks old. I haven't met her, but I smelled her on my humans' clothes. They went to play with her. I'll forgive them this time.

She is awfully cute. No wonder they like her too.

I want to play with her too! I could chase her everywhere! I think that would be great.


Friday, September 24, 2010

Before Adoption

I was just thinking back to where I was before I came to live with my humans. I had moved a lot. I was outside, then in a big car, then I was at a house with many dogs and many children. A lot of them were in cages a lot of the time. The dogs, not the humans.

That was my foster home. I was so nervous when my foster mother said I was going to go to my forever home. She took a picture to show my new humans.

My foster family let me on the bed.

That night, my new humans came to pick me up. Some of the other dogs had humans come for them too. I didn't know which were mine, so I said hi to all of them. At first I thought this one female human was going to take me, because she got out a collar. I jumped up to get my head closer so it would be easier to put on me. But she said no, and put the collar on a very very big drooling dog.

Just then, my humans came! And they liked me! They also liked this bulldog who was my friend, but my foster family said they couldn't take her too, because she just had babies. I never had babies. I was so happy to be with my humans, and they are happy to be with me too.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pink toy

When my humans came home today, they brought me another toy. When they brought it home, it was round and pink. It looked a little bit like a poodle.

I played with it a lot, and got it open. It was great!

But then my humans took my toy away, and when they gave it back it was flat. I still play with it, but it is flat now.
Pink Toy next to pink blanket
It is a good toy for killing, over and over. Also good for playing tug--I always win. It seems hard to throw for fetch, it doesn't go far now that it is flat, but I go get it anyway.

Aren't I sneaky? My humans didn't know I could open my toys.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Friend Weekend

This weekend was very very exciting.

First, my human #2 came home! It had been so long! I thought he was never coming home.

Then, my friend Stan's family was gone, so my humans were feeding him and taking him for walks, and I got to come too!
I am getting ready to go for a walk.
Also we got to play in the yard a lot. I liked that. I got to be off my leash and run around. And roll around, and everything. (If you look closely, you can see Stan near the end of the video.)

It was a good weekend. Especially getting to see BOTH of my humans. They are my favorite people.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Toys are for hiding!

I have a toy that I like to hide sometime. Actually, I have two, one for work and one for home.

At home, I decided the closet was a good place for it.

That's my tail sticking out of the closet there.
My human #1 thought this was hilarious.

I don't think this is quite so funny.
What's so funny anyway? She's being strange. And taking lots of pictures, which is overall a good thing because I have more to show you.

Look how well my eyes came out in this one!
My toy is still in the closet, and there it will stay, until I'm good and ready for it to come out.


Monday, September 13, 2010


While I was cleaning myself today, I heard some disturbing news.

 Apparently I'm getting chubby. The vet told me not to gain weight, and I weigh 3 pounds more than I did last time I went to the vet. I don't look fat do I?

Sigh, maybe this is because I keep stealing my humans' food when it's left on the counter. I ate 3 english muffins yesterday.

If I could just run around as much as I wanted I would be fine. But they keep telling me to stay home. It's like they think I won't come back.

Well, here I am at home.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Party pictures

I went to a party a while ago. (before the hurry cane)

My human #1 finally located the connector to put pictures onto the internet! So here are some pictures from the party.

That food sure looks yummy
This is the party where I ran around too much and hurt my leg. But as I said, I'm much better now. I went on a LONG walk today. But not long enough or fast enough, because my human is slow and tires easily.
Maybe if I'm extra-cute they'll give me some food.
I hope I get to go to more parties soon, especially if people drop food for me!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Exciting weekend

The hurry cane came and went with nothing interesting. I did get to see my friends though.
On Thursday night there was a party, and both my friends Mila and Stan were there. Mila and I played a lot for a long time. I got kinda tired.

The next day my leg was sore. My human got really worried, but I was just tired from playing. I rested all day.
I am napping because I need to rest my leg.
Then we went over to Stan's house to wait out the hurricane. But as I said, not much happened. It rained.

So, that was the exciting weekend, and now I'm back to work! My leg is all better  and I'm running around and jumping and sitting and just generally being adorable.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Good times

A while back a whole bunch of humans came to my house. That was nice, I got lots of cuddles and I got to go on lots of walks.

One of those humans took lots of pictures of me. I got some to show to you.

It was really hot that day. That's why I'm sticking out my tongue. It's to cool off. Really. I'm not making fun of you. It's hot now too. But human # 1 put a big noisy box in the window, so it isn't as hot inside as it was that day.

My human has been acting funny. She says there's a hurry cane coming. I'm not sure what that is but it seems bad because my human is worried. I hope everything is going to be ok. I'll let you know.
