Saturday, March 26, 2011

Squirrels and toys

I really like squirrels. They are fluffy and speedy and bouncy. Unfortunately, they often run up trees where I can't get them. I can only get my front paws on a tree. Someday I'll catch a squirrel.

In the meantime, I have some squirrel-like toys.

Caught this one!

It's fun to play with my humans with the squirrel toys. I can catch them and pretend they are real squirrels. And eat them.

Mmm. Fake squirrel guts.

Well, I don't really eat them. But I can pretend to kill them and rip them apart. Then I can play tug with the fake squirrel skin!

I hope you have some toys you like!


P.S. I noticed that many people were looking at information about Japan or rocks and came over here to check out my blog. And a few stayed.

Hi everybody! Yes, I'm a dog. I'm glad some of you are both humanitarians and dog lovers.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Human #1 made me a sweater.

While I can make ANYTHING look good, this may not be the best.

She's very silly. I never get cold. I have my own sweater. But she made it, so I wore it to show you.

Here is the front:

I appreciate the thought, but  not the product.

And here is the back:

Aunt E is trying to pet me.

Not only is the sweater silly-looking, I can't get petted very well, because it gets in the way. Aunt E was nice, eventually, and helped me get it off.


I hope my human appreciates how much I love her. I let her put on the sweater, and even take pictures to show you. And I still cuddle her.

I don't know how humans can stand to wear clothing!


Friday, March 11, 2011


More puppy playdate update!

Pika turned into a zombie and started to try to eat my brains.

So I had to fight her off so she wouldn't harm my humans.

I am very fast and strong.

And my ears look funny.
Eventually, I subdued her. We continued wresting, but dit it while lying down.

Don't worry! Pika stopped being a zombie and my humans were safe.

No puppies were harmed in the making of this message.


Friday, March 4, 2011


My friend Pika was over the other day, and we had lots of fun. One thing we did was play tug.

This is Pika's bear.

Pika is good for playing tug with. She doesn't get tired and bored like my humans.

This is my dolly.
Sometimes I like to hold out a toy to make her remember that we're supposed to be playing tug.

Lots of toys!
Now we switched from the dolly to the round squirrel. This is a great toy. And look at Pika's ears! She's jumping around a bunch to make her ears fly all over.

Never surrender.
Never surrender the toy! (Unless the humans say to, and really mean it.) It might get ripped, but then we have the chance to take all the stuffing out.'
