Thursday, October 28, 2010


I told you I would have some video of Ula and me playing. Well, here it is!

She's a feisty little puppy. I have to make sure she knows I'm bigger. As long as I am bigger, anyway.

More playtime to come in the future I hope!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New Doggy Friend

I met a new friend today. She's a 9-week-old puppy named Ula. She likes to play, but she barks very loud. We ran around and around her house and jumped on the furniture.

We're playing!

We also both like being petted. I'm bigger than Ula, but my human says only for a little while.

One of Ula's humans is petting me.

We played a lot and I got tired. Then Ula got tired and went to sleep. She likes to sleep on the floor because it's cold, but I think its too hard. I prefer blankets.

What a little angel!
Now, you might not have been able to see her very well in these pictures. That's because she's so excited she can't stay still for my human to take a picture. Stay tuned for video tomorrow!


Tuesday, October 26, 2010


One game that both my humans like to play is blanket. This is how it goes.

First, the human throws a blanket on me.

It's warm and cozy in here.
Then I start getting out.

I can see now.

This is where they always giggle.

Then a quick shake, and I'm out!

Mmmm.. All that blanketing made me hungry.

I'm glad the humans are so easily entertained.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Gangsta Muon

I bet ya didn't know I was a gangsta, did ya?

It's good to be a gangsta

Well, maybe I'm not really. Perhaps you might call me a sports fan.

Go Phillies!
Hats are fun!


Now I'm a sk8ter dog!


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Yummy Bone

I got a new bone from my humans.

Nom nom nom

It's not actually a bone. It's made of rawhide, and I really like to chew on it. A lot.

Human #2 put toys on me

To the exclusion of all else. My humans started teasing me, but I didn't care.

Chewing at bedtime

Sometimes they take the bone away. Its like they think I'm chewing it too much. I actually chewed one of them up, but I have another one.


Saturday, October 23, 2010


No, this isn't about a real dingo, but a cocker spaniel & shih tzu mix named Dingo.

He's kinda funny looking. Really shaggy.

*I* want to be in Aunt E.'s lap
He came over with Aunt E. We didn't play a whole lot, other than we both wanted to be in Aunt E.'s lap. But we got along ok.

What was that you were doing earlier?

It was nice to see another dog, even though we didn't get to run outside. Ooh, here's a great picture of Dingo!

Flying Dingo!!!

I hope to see more of Aunt E. because her lap is most excellent. If Dingo comes too, that would be fine.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Halloween costumes

So, Halloween is coming up. It's time to start figuring out what to dress up as.

Maybe I should be a scary zombie fortunteller.

In your future, I see... BRAAAAIIIIINNNNS
Or maybe I should be a famous sport figure, with adulations from all.

Why yes, I did make the win.

Actually that last picture is getting toweled off after talking a walk outside when it was raining. But I think I look like a sports star getting toweled off after a big play.

Do you know what you are going to be for Halloween?


Monday, October 11, 2010

I am an artist

There was a big event for dogs recently. My human went with me to it, and Mila and Stan and their humans came too. It was pretty exciting. There were lots of other dogs there to sniff. There were yellow balls on the grass. There were treats in a bucket but I didn't get to eat them. I sniffed a lot. It was wonderful. Some of the other dogs ran down a lane after a ball. My human tried to tell me to do that too, but I thought that was silly. I would rather play with other dogs than run after a silly ball. Toys are for when there are no other dogs to play with.

One thing I did like, was making art. Stan, Mila and I all made art.

There is not any video of me actually making my art because my human was so impressed with my talent.

Here are the results, however. One of the great things about making art, is you get treats.

Opus 1
Treats are great. I really like treats. And I'm good at getting them. Maybe I'll get some treats today.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Princess Muon

Did you know I was a princess? Well I am.

Here I am sitting on my royal cushion with my crown on my head.

What? You say that's not a crown? It's just my collar that my human put on my head?

Well, I'm still a princess. My human says so.
