Saturday, October 8, 2011

I got an owie

Yes, I got an owie on my foot. I'm not sure why but it hurt and I was hopping around so I had to go to the vet. The vet says that there was something wrong with the skin in between my toes, but nothing was wrong with my joints or muscles. I could have told you that! Also I learned that I am a "small dog."

My human put ointment on my foot for 10 days! This was horrible, but I let her do it because I'm sure that she has my best interests in mind. I don't understand what these were, but maybe that's part of her secret human healing powers. I'm all better now and running around at the dog park.

The vet also said I was not allowed under any circumstances to lick my foot. I think something about my doggy healing powers not playing nicely with their human healing powers. I think that's silly. Licking my foot is clearly the best way to make it better. But my human put a weird puffy thing on my neck, supposedly so I would not lick my foot.

Little does she know that I can still, barely, reach my foot.

It turned out to not be absolutely horrible. I could still sleep with it on. It was a bit like a pillow. And lots of other humans asked me what was wrong, so I had to tell them all about my poor foot.

Downward dog.
Through much patience (10 days!) and some meditative exercises, I am now healed and back to my adventures.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

More dog park!

The dog park is really fun.

Come play with me!

One of the best parts, is that sometimes the other dogs' humans give me treats. I'm so good at my tricks, especially "sit" that they always feel inspired to give me treats.

Nom nom nom nom nom

Speaking of treats, I should go make sure we have a good supply of them.


Saturday, October 1, 2011


My humans took me hiking a while back. I got to run around without a leash. That was fun. They didn't want me to run as far as I did though, so I had to keep going back to them.

So many fantastic smells.
They didn't get a picture of it, but I was careful when going up hard stuff like this to make sure my humans could make it. They're not as athletic as I am.

This is fun!
We also went to a lake.


I drank out of it, but didn't swim. One of my humans' friends swam though. My humans were not happy with me for drinking this water. I don't know why.

Muon the forest adventure dog.

I hope we can go hiking again.
